Hovstunnel Faroe Islands

THE PROJECT: Construction of road tunnel between Øravik and Hov in Suðurøy Faroe Islands. The tunnel is two lane, 2.5 km long, The dimension of the tunnel is 6.42 m height at the center line of the road, 9.5 m wide at the road base. The tunnel will replace an old road over the mountain between the towns.
THE SOLUTION: SWECO Grøner AS is responsible for the overall planning and projecting in collaboration with Landsbyggifélagið and client Landsverk FO. Istak hf. won the main contract in collaboration with subcontractors, El-Service P/F and the Icelandic company Raftakn. Landsverk uses ETP Consult´ services for external consultancy on electricity, automation, communication, ventilation and more in the project.
THE SERVICES: ETP consult has as external consultant for Landsverk had overall responsibility for electrical and ventilation installations and the following main services can be highlighted:
- Quality assurance, construction meetings and advices
- Compliance with the heavy voltage handbog 21, 17 and more
- Control of ventilation, electricity and light, communications and ABA installations and following meаsurement of the light intensity in the tunnel.
- Control of documentation.